amss uk

Association of Muslim Social Scientists UK

AMSS (UK) - Advancing Muslim Scholarship






Publications, Occasional Papers and Conference Proceedings
The AMSS (UK) will initially publish its annual conference proceedings as well as occasional papers. It also produces a news-bulletin, informing its members of the activities of the AMSS (UK) and similar associations in other parts of the world, and also about relevant seminars, conferences and publications in the field of Islamic social sciences.


2010: A Shared Past For A Shared Future (Joint Publication) by Martin Rose, Director of the British Council’s ‘Our Shared Europe’ Project (French Translation)
Mufti Paper « Celui qui a le contrôle du passé a le contrôle du présent. » Dans cette troisième édition de la Zaki Badawi Memorial Lecture, Martin Rose affirme que l’histoire est aussi souvent une arme polémique qu’une exploration objective du passé. Au pire, elle peut soutenir des positions inflexibles et freiner la compréhension – mais elle peut aussi offrir des solutions aux difficiles questions d’identité et d’appartenance dans l’Europe d’aujourd’hui. Qualifiant les représentations traditionnelles qu’ont les musulmans et les Européens de leur propre histoire comme étant téléologiques et fondées sur leurs cultures respectives, l’auteur prône une approche réfléchie et ouverte favorable à l’écriture d’une histoire interculturelle qui explore beaucoup plus en profondeur la contribution de l’Orient musulman à l’esprit européen « moderne ». En même temps, il reconnaît l’héritage commun, inéluctable et potentiellement fécond de ces histoires impériales communes pour l’Europe actuelle. Cette publication est également disponible pour téléchargement gratuit (pdf). This publication is also available for free download (pdf).
  More information about Martin Rose's paper can be found on the 'Our Shared Europe' website.
  This paper is available for pdf download in the following langauges:
Arabic, English, French, Spanish and Turkish.
2009: Citizenship, Security & Democracy: Muslim Engagement with the West edited by Wanda Krause
CSD book Selected Papers from the Citizenship, Security, and Democracy conference held on 1–3 September, 2006, organised by the Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS UK) and the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA).

Citizenship, Security and Democracy: Muslim Engagement with the West provides greater analysis of and seeks solutions to the challenges of citizenship, security and democracy through fresh and more varied perspectives as is related to Islamic discourse and Muslim communities and their activism in the West. These concerns have never been more pressing than today. Democracy has been a global endeavour and concern, as in its ideal form, it gives promise to liberty, freedoms and rights. However, after especially 9/11 and 7/7, securitization has become a more immediate goal, making security the driving discourse today. But, both security and democracy are becoming ever less attainable in today’s climate of increased division and cleavages along ideological lines and Islamophobia – an acute problem for citizenship in humanity.

The papers explore issues around citizenship and identity of the Muslim diaspora. Given the backdrop to a growing political discourse on the Muslim ‘Other’, framed through the events of 9/11 and 7/7 and increased tension as a result of this discourse framing, the aim was to help discern causes to the major challenges facing governments and the safety, freedoms and dignity of individuals globally. This was attempted through the study of Islamic thought and on-the-ground case study research of Muslim societies and communities. This conference marks one of the major events to have been organised where such a large number of scholars, experts, and activists from a wide range of ideological positions and professional backgrounds come together in an ambitious attempt to resolve the most pressing issues at the turn of the 21st century.

Click here for CSD Press Release (pdf)

Hardback: £17.99 (ISBN: 978–1–56564–444–1)
Paperback: £12.99 (ISBN: 978–1–56564–443–4)
Hbk/Pbk: 308 pages
Co-published by AMSS (UK) and SETA (Turkey): October 2009
  A Shared Past For A Shared Future (Joint Publication) by Martin Rose, Director of the British Council’s ‘Our Shared Europe’ Project
Mufti Paper In this, the third Zaki Badawi Memorial Lecture, Martin Rose argues that history is as often a polemical weapon as a dispassionate exploration of the past. It can, at worst, support entrenched positions and inhibit understanding - but it also offers solutions to difficult questions of identity and belonging in today’s Europe. Seeing both Muslim and traditional European accounts of their own history as teleological and springing from their respective cultures, he argues for a thoughtful and open-minded approach to the writing of an intercultural history that explores much more fully the role of the Muslim East as a contributor to the ‘modern’ European mind; and at the same time acknowledges the shared, inescapable and potentially creative legacy of common imperial histories for today’s Europe. This is a joint publication by AMSS (UK) and the British Council and is available for purchase for £2.95. This publication is also available for free download (pdf).
  More information about Martin Rose's paper can be found on the 'Our Shared Europe' website.
  This paper is available for pdf download in the following langauges:
Arabic, English, French, Spanish and Turkish.
  Proceedings of the 5th Annual AMSS (UK) Conference on Fiqh for Minorities
to follow Details to follow shortly.


2008: Toward A Muslim Social Contract in Europe (Joint Publication) by His Eminence Dr Mustafa Ceric, Grand Mufti of Bosnia
Mufti Paper In this, the second Memorial Lecture in honour of Sheikh Zaki Badawi, Dr. Mustafa Ceric, Grand Mufti of Bosnia-Hercegovina, examines one of the most important issues facing Muslim communities in Europe today “How to participate actively and faithfully in modern European society?” Dr. Ceric introduces the concept of a Muslim Social Contract theorising on its value, philosophical and religious foundations, as well as wider implications for Muslims in Europe. It is in essence a theory of mutual obligations advocating positive engagement by Muslims on a socio-political as well as intellectual level in wider European society. This is a joint publication by AMSS (UK) and the City Circle London and is available for purchase for £2.95.

Islam, Christianity and Pluralism (Joint Publication) by the Rt. Hon. Dr. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury

Archbishop Paper The AMSS Zaki Badawi Memorial Lecture series commemorates the life, work, and achievements of the late Sheikh Dr. M.A. Zaki Badawi OBE, KBE. This publication is based upon the Inaugral Memorial Lecture of 26th April 2007, delivered by His Grace, the Rt. Hon. Dr. Rowan D. Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth Palace London, on the topic of 'Islam, Christianity and Pluralism'. In an intelligent, wide-ranging and eloquent address on the subject of religious pluralism, Dr. Williams affirmed the need for continued dialogue between Christians and Muslims from within their common Abrahamic tradition and pointed to the great religious and cultural heritage which has shaped their intellectual traditions. This is a joint publication by Lambeth Palace and the AMSS (UK) and is available for purchase for £2.95.
2006: British Muslims: Media Guide (Joint Publication)
British Muslim Media Guide

British Muslims: Media Guide by Ehsan Masood is a brand new publication launched on 22nd May 2006. The book describes Britain’s Muslim communities, their history, their present and future. Published by the British Council, and Association of Muslim Social Scientists (UK).
Buy the book: Price £5.00, ISBN: 0-86355-569-1; or download the book in pdf format from:

British Muslims: Media Guide describes Britain’s Muslim communities, their history, present and future. Encouraged from the beginning by the late Dr. Zaki Badawi, the British Council, the Association of Muslim Social Scientists and partners have published it to strengthen international understanding of the diverse nature of Britain today. It is written in the belief that a detailed and many-sided understanding of communities within British society gives us all a fuller, more subtle, and more accurate picture of Britain, its faiths and cultures. Intended as a reference source for journalists, British Muslims: Media Guide will also prove an invaluable resource to anyone who writes about, speaks about, or interacts with Muslims, both in Britain and abroad.

A translation into Arabic has been produced - please contact the British Council for details of availability.

2004: Muslims on Education: Position Paper (Joint Publication)
Muslims on Education Paper The Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS UK) in association with The Forum Against Islamophobia & Racism (FAIR), FED2000 (For Education & Development) and The Muslim College London UK, launched their position paper entitled "Muslims on Education" at the House of Lords on 9th June 2004. The hosts for this launch were the Rt. Hon. Baroness Uddin of Bethnal Green and Dr. Shaikh Zaki Badawi KBE OBE. The Minister of State for Schools David Miliband MP was also in attendance and took questions following addresses by the Rt. Hon. Baroness Uddin, Dr. Shaikh Zaki Badawi, Dr. Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Mohammad Siddique Seddon, Lord Ahmad of Rotherham and Dr. Nasim Butt. It is hoped that this paper will initiate discussion between the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) and representatives from the Muslim Community, to help faciliate the formulation, development and implementation of an inclusive educational strategy for the UK. Click here for the paper (PDF).
Paper No.3 (2012): Europe & the Near East: The Presence & Absence of Metals by Jack Goody
op3 Europe and the Near East: The Presence and Absence of Metals queries the assumption of the earlier advantage of the West in attaining industrialization. Professor Goody contends that the Near East (an area which includes the
Middle East) started what archaeologists call civilization with the Bronze Age, developing its own renaissance and extension of trade influencing Europe. However, it was always handicapped by the absence of iron and coal. And it was the plentiful exploitation of these in Britain, with the help of German metallurgists, that made way for the industrial revolution in Europe, rather than any Protestant ethic which represents a Europeanist point of view.

AMSS (UK) Occasional Paper Series No. 3
Europe & the Near East: The Presence & Absence of Metals
Professor Jack Goody
12pp, 2012
ISBN: 978-1-56564-589-9 (paperback)
Paper No.2 (2012): Henry Stubbe & the Prophet Muhammad by Nabil Matar
op2 The history of medieval and early modern European writings about the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) shows a consistent pattern of misunderstanding. Until the nineteenth century, only one writer challenged that history: the English physician Henry Stubbe (1632–1676), author of “Originall & Progress of Mahometanism.” Neither an Orientalist nor a theologian, Henry Stubbe approached Islam as a historian of religion, perhaps the first in early modern Europe, arguing that the study of another religion should rely on historical evidence derived from indigenous documents, and not on foreign accounts. The result of his new historiographical approach was a “Copernican revolution” in the study of the figure of Muhammad, the Qur’an, and Islam. It shifted the focus from faith to scholarship. Had his treatise been published, the course of Western understanding of Islam
might have been different.

AMSS (UK) Occasional Paper Series No. 2
Henry Stubbe & the Prophet Muhammad
Professor Nabil Matar
28pp, 2012
ISBN: 978-1-56564-586-8 (paperback)
Paper No.1 (2002):

The Challenge of Pluralism and the Middle Way of Islam by Dr. Jeremy Henzell-Thomas

OP1: The Challenge of Pluralism and the Middle Way of Islam by Dr. Jermey Henzell-Thomas This paper is an impassioned plea, appealing to the higher virtues of man to realise within himself, and the society around him, a spiritually deeper and more multiculturally aware social order. In our largely interdependent, but increasingly volatile, world it is imperative that we not only understand ourselves but the myriad of cultures existing around us. The paper points to the 'middle way' as an important area of convergence between the West and Islam presenting with great vision the case that a revivial of the ideals, priniciples and ethics of the 'middle way' will restore mankind's sense of balance, beauty, harmony and justice.

Dr. Jeremy Henzell-Thomas is Director of Curriculum Development for the Book Foundation. He holds a PhD from the University of Lancaster for research into the psychology of learning. His current work for the Book Foundation entails the development of a curriculum synthesising the best of modern education with traditional, universal Islamic prinicples. He is a member of the AMSS (UK) Advisory Board.

AMSS (UK) Occasional Paper Series No. 1
The Challenge of Pluralism and the Middle Way of Islam
Dr. Jeremy Henzell-Thomas
18pp, 2002
ISBN: 1-56564-060-8 (paperback)
Price: £ 2.95 ($ 4.50)

to follow

Newsletter No. 8 (2012)

Coming shortly.

AMSS (UK) Newsletter Issue No. 1 (Autumn 1999)

Newsletter No. 7 (2006).

Click here for PDF.

AMSS (UK) Newsletter Issue No. 1 (Autumn 1999)

Newsletter No. 6 (2003).

Click here for PDF.

AMSS (UK) Newsletter Issue No. 5 (2002)

Newsletter No. 5 (2002).

Click here for PDF.

AMSS (UK) Newsletter Issue No. 4 (2001)

Newsletter No. 4 (2001).

Click here for PDF.

AMSS (UK) Newsletter Issue No. 3 (2000)

Newsletter No. 3 (2000).

Click here for PDF.

AMSS (UK) Newsletter Issue No. 2 (2000)

Newsletter No. 2 (2000).

Click here for PDF.

AMSS (UK) Newsletter Issue No. 1 (Autumn 1999)

Newsletter No. 1 (1999).

Click here for PDF.


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