amss uk

Association of Muslim Social Scientists UK

AMSS (UK) - Advancing Muslim Scholarship

About Us





The Organisation

The Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS UK) is an Association based in London committed to the development of Islamic thought through research, scholarship and publications. The AMSS (UK) aims to keep scholars informed about current conceptual, methodological, and analytical developments and promote greater inter-disciplinary co-operation, in an effort towards generating informed, critical and creative views and opinions on topical and emerging issues of relevance to community relations and social cohesion.

Mission Statement
  • Promoting among Muslim social scientists and those interested in the study of Islam, a spirit of cooperation, understanding and tolerance, to generate and advance scholarly thought through critical inquiry
  • Promoting better understanding and research of contemporary issues and current developments in the social sciences through seminars and workshops and publications.
  • Holding exhibitions, meetings, seminars, lectures, conferences and courses either independently or in association with similar organisations in the UK and abroad
  • Encouraging and supporting the development and implementation of curricula for Islamic schools and educational institutions
  • Supporting where possible student research
Executive Committee
The AMSS (UK) is a Non-profit organisation with a view to becoming a Charity organisation. The Board of Executives is responsible for the administration of the association. According to the constitution, the Chairman, and three members are elected on a biannual basis. Each of the five founding organisations of the AMSS nominates one committee member each. The remaining two executive members are co-opted by the elected and recommended representatives. The current members of the Executive Committee are: be announced...
Advisory Board
The AMSS (UK) has an Advisory Board that acts as a consultation body for its plans, projects and activities, and is composed of leading Muslim academics, scholars and individuals. The current members of the Advisory Board are: be announced...


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