amss uk

Association of Muslim Social Scientists UK

AMSS (UK) - Advancing Muslim Scholarship






Membership and Benefits
Membership is £25 (concessions £12.50) and entitles members to a free copy of AJISS, the AMSS (UK) newsletter and discounts for AMSS (UK) conferences, events and seminars.
Arabic speaking members are also entitled to a free copy of Islaamiiyat al-Ma'rifah as well as a free copy of AJISS and the AMSS(UK) Newsletter.
If you would like to join the AMSS (UK) please print off and complete the membership form and send it along with your cheque (made payable to AMSS UK) to:
AMSS (UK), PO Box 126, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 2UD. United Kingdom.
Alternatively email or telephone 020 8948 9511 for a copy of the membership form.


Islaamiiyat al-Ma'rifah1 Islaamiiyat al-Ma'rifah2 AJISS AMSS(UK) Newsletter


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